It’s time to be brave 💪

Are You Ready to Be BRAVE? 💪🏻

We are full swing into summer ☀️ This season is meant to be enjoyed, but it can also fill up with all kinds of activities, trips and events. Add on the pressure of getting a ‘summer body’ and wanting to feel confident...and summer can quickly get out of control and lose its shine. 😔 Are you already starting to feel the chaos? Are you anxious about having busy kiddos home with you or maybe you are watching your grandchildren over the summer? Maybe you are feeling exhausted just thinking about your busy summer travel schedule.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Not this year, not for you! 🙅‍♀️ Let’s create freedom in our lives and enjoy summer to the fullest by finding a healthy balance! Seasonal changes are a great time to re-evaluate, re-prioritize and re-balance. Here’s my top tips to help you bring more balance into your life this summer!

1️⃣ Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize! Finding balance requires saying no to some things, so that you can say yes to the most important things. What are those most important things to you? What have you not been able to do lately that you wish you could? You have a choice(s) to make. Figure out what your priorities are and, most importantly, start putting those things first!

2️⃣ Start a gratitude journal. The best way to find balance is to keep a daily gratitude journal to remind yourself of all the blessings you can be counting. It could be just 5 minutes at the end of the day, where you joy down what went well, what didn’t, your thoughts and feelings. What did you spend the most time on? What brought you the most peace and joy? What brought you the most stress?

3️⃣ Let go of perfectionism. I hate to break it to you, but you will never find absolutely perfect balance. As soon as you start to feel like you have it, something else will come along and tip the scales a bit. The key is to maintain as much balance as possible that makes you feel content. If you are stressing about finding perfect balance, you will not be content. Be okay with doing your best and don’t hold yourself to too high of standards.

4️⃣ Look at the big picture. Start thinking about your life as a whole, rather than compartmentalizing each part of your life. Your work, family, church and social life should collaborate and cooperate together, not compete with one another. Recognize and appreciate every part of your life, while sticking to those priorities you set.

🖨 Here is a free 4-week habit tracker to help you find balance in July.

Establishing balance and boundaries requires some serious courage. It means making hard or uncomfortable changes. But it is absolutely worth it! If you have been feeling chaotic with your life and health and want to make those changes, then the latest Daily Wellness Digest could be perfect for you! We’re Becoming Brave & Balanced! 🙌 Over in our new Seasons in the Orchard membership group, the Daily Wellness Digest is just one of MANY amazing resources to support you in your health and wellness journey.

Ready to feel free and happy with your health? We are boldly combating societal ideas with a positive body image! No crazy restrictions here, just a healthy balance on whole health. Let’s bust through limiting beliefs to build rock-solid self-esteem. Plus, focus on what matters most like your relationship with yourself and others. Time to be brave and bring more balance into your life! 💪

I’ve started working on the daily content and it has so much value! I will be sharing daily tips and info, recipes and meal planning ideas, faith-based encouragement, and plenty more resources for your journey. Plus, everyone gets support from myself and Coach Mary Beth Oakley, personally, through daily check-ins and weekly zoom calls for accountability. See the information below for a breakdown of all that your membership affords you. If you have been feeling out of balance and want to bravely go after your goals, this group could be exactly what you need!


Enrollment is now officially open! If you are curious and want to know what your options are, if this would be a good fit, or just have any questions at all, then message me ASAP! 💌

Speaking of balance, please tell me I’m not the only one who struggles with balance! 🫣

I’m the first to admit I’m constantly striving in vain for work-life balance or balance in my nutrition or balancing rest and fun and work. When I can’t seem to get it right or things don’t go as planned, I feel overwhelmed, discontent or frustrated 😤 I don’t wanna feel that way anymore, ya know?

If you’re reading this and thinking, “me too,” come join me! 🙋‍♀️

Inside the Seasons in the Orchard Membership Vault, I’m running a 7-day bible study called Finding Balance with the Father where we’re going to talk about:

📆 Finding balance in every season

👀 How looking to the future can help us in the present

🛌 The importance of rest

And more!

🖨 Download your FREE Be Brave in your Belief Scripture Challenge

I hope this study will help us grow closer to the Lord and find a good balance in our lives with His guidance! Interested?

Seasons in the Orchard is buzzing 🐝 with excitement

In case you missed my last email, I mentioned how God orchestrated the networking between myself and Coach Mary Beth Oakley as He prepared the way for us to blend our coaching abilities together in one beautiful coaching opportunity where ladies will thrive through all seasons of life! I'm talking about our new joint coaching membership where you will get all the resources and individualized support you need as you leave insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in your past! Our pre-course is now live!!

🌱 Introducing First Fruits Fasting: Your On-Ramp to Health!

Sweet friend, are you ready to prepare for a life-changing 30-day reset this August? First Fruits Fasting is here to lay the groundwork for your journey to heal from type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and PCOS through fasting. In this preparation program, you'll learn:

  • How to stock your kitchen with the right foods
  • Techniques for 12-13 hour overnight fasting
  • Methods to mentally prepare for longer fasting periods
  • Essential knowledge for a successful fasting lifestyle

Join us now to build a strong foundation for your health transformation! Reply to this email by telling us you are "READY" for more information. Let's plant the seeds for your healthier future together!

"The seasons are what a symphony ought to be: four perfect movements in harmony with each other." - Arthur Rubinstein

Just as nature moves through four harmonious seasons, your journey to better health can be a beautiful symphony of change!

Are you ready to orchestrate a new season in your life, one where insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, or PCOS become a thing of the past? Or where you gain tighter control over your type 1 or 1.5 diabetes?

Certified Fast Like a Girl and Glucose Goddess coaches Mary Beth Oakley and I will be there to guide you through the seasons of your health transformation:

  • 🌷 Spring: Plant the seeds of change with a personalized fasting lifestyle
  • 🌻 Summer: Watch your health bloom with balanced hormones and improved insulin sensitivity
  • 🍁 Fall: Harvest the benefits of better sleep, more energy, and stable moods
  • ⛄ Winter: Rest in the comfort of a healthier body, ready to serve the Lord, your family, friends, and community

​Seasons in the Orchard is perfect for:

  • Women with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, or type 1.5 diabetes
  • Women with PCOS
  • Women with metabolic syndrome
  • Women supporting someone with diabetes or metabolic disease

​Let's compose your health symphony together, harmonizing each season of your journey to wellness!!!

🌟 Already know you're in?! Register here 👉🏻 Seasons-in-the-Orchard

Love and blessings to you on your health and wellness journey,

💕 Coach AJ

P.S. If you read all the way to the end of this newsletter, I just want to tell you how amazing I think you are! THANK YOU for being a valuable part of my community!

Coach AJ's Top Product Picks

Here are some links for some of the favorite products that I use daily!

When you use this link for Buoy Hydration Drops, you will get a 20% discount on your order.

Are you looking for a clean, organic coffee that is low acid and mold-free? Look no further than Seven Weeks Coffee.

I do earn a small commission when you use my links to purchase these products. I greatly appreciate your support of my small business.

Do you want to stop getting helpful tips for better health and wellness? Just click the unsubscribe button below, but I'd hate to see you go! 😔

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