What's Lurking in Your Food & Disrupting Your Health?

How Seed 🌱 Oils Disrupt Cholesterol and Metabolic Health

​​Reader, let's talk about seed oils also known as vegetable oils.

I recently came across an insightful article from Levels.com that explores the complex relationship between cholesterol and overall metabolic health. As someone interested in optimizing their health, I thought you might find the main takeaways valuable.

The article highlights that cholesterol levels alone do not tell the whole story when it comes to metabolic health. One critical factor the experts discuss is the impact of seed oils, which are high in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids.

Research shows that excess consumption of seed oils like soybean, corn, and vegetable oil can contribute to insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction. Here's a quick overview of the key points:

  1. Seed Oils Promote Inflammation: Seed oils are high in linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that can drive inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is a major driver of insulin resistance and other metabolic issues.
  2. Seed Oils Disrupt Cholesterol Metabolism: The article notes that seed oils can alter the composition and function of cholesterol particles, making them more prone to oxidation and contributing to plaque buildup in arteries.
  3. Seed Oils Impair Glucose Regulation: By promoting insulin resistance, excess seed oil consumption can lead to higher blood sugar levels and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
  4. Swap Seed Oils for Healthier Fats: To support metabolic health, the experts recommend replacing seed oils with more stable, anti-inflammatory fats like extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and even saturated fats from high-quality animal sources.

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If this topic of seed oils intrigues you, we are currently focused on learning more about how to eliminate them from our diet through a 2-week challenge that we are doing during the second half of September in our Seasons in the Orchard membership group. You will get an educational video which will provide more details and recommendations for optimizing your diet and lifestyle to support overall metabolic function. Join us for September by clicking the link below.

You Don't Have to Walk Your Health Journey Alone

If you want to walk this path to better health with a community of women who support each other in building healthier relationships with God and food, consider joining Seasons in the Orchard Membership Group.

Love and blessings to you on your health journey

πŸ’• Coach AJ

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